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Wednesday, September 14

8:30 AM Registration/Continental Breakfast

9:00 AM Welcome and Opening Remarks

  • Rosalin Acosta, Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development, Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development

  • Brent Parton, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary and Acting Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration

  • Jennifer James, Undersecretary for Workforce Development; Director of the Workforce Skills Cabinet, Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development

  • Keynote Address: 20/20 Foresight – Building Hope From Chaos
    Josh Davies, Chief Executive Officer, The Center for Work Ethic Development

10:45 AM Networking / Transition to Workshops

11:00 AM Concurrent Workshops: (Workshop selections will be made at the event.)

  1. Building Collaborative Relationships to Successfully Meet the needs of Business and Candidates with Disabilities

  2. Adult Education Value and Experience Workshop

  3. Building an Inclusive Workplace

  4. Learn How Virtual Reality is Utilized to Attract, Train, and Retain a Qualified Workforce

  5. Getting Back to the Workforce: Strengthening Partnerships Between Workforce Systems, TANF Work Programs and SNAP Employment and Training

  6. Identifying, Developing & Filling IT Jobs and Career Opportunities

  7. High-Growth Careers in Clean Energy

12:15 PM Lunch

1:00 PM Scaling Credentialing Pipelines with Untapped Resources (ARP and State Funding)

  • Theresa Rowland, Senior Vice President of Programming and Workforce Skills Cabinet Liaison, Commonwealth Corporation

  • Kataney Couamin Prior, Vice President of Programs, Commonwealth Corporation

1:45 PM Regional Round-Ups: Regional Planning Team Presentations and Breakout Sessions

  • Berkshire Region Workforce Area: Berkshire

  • Cape & Islands Region Workforce Areas: Cape & Islands

  • Central Region Workforce Areas: Central and North Central

  • Greater Boston Region Workforce Areas: Boston, Metro North and Metro South/West

  • Northeast Region Region Workforce Areas: Greater Lowell, Merrimack Valley and North Shore

  • Pioneer Valley Region Workforce Areas: Franklin-Hampshire and Hampden

  • Southeast Region Workforce Areas: Bristol, Greater Brockton, Greater New Bedford and South Shore

3:00 PM Close Day 1

Thursday, September 15

8:30 AM Registration/Continental Breakfast

9:00 AM Welcome and Opening Remarks

  • Jennifer James, Undersecretary for Workforce Development; Director of the Workforce Skills Cabinet, Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development

  • Tonja Mettlach, Executive Director, Massachusetts Workforce Association

9:30 AM Concurrent Workshops

  1. Building a Collaborative Approach and Effective Business Strategies at the National, State, Regional and Local Level

  2. Problem Solving Methodology for Complex Problems

  3. Expanding Technology in Service Delivery

  4. Building a Competitive Application for Upskilling Funding

9:30 AM MassHire State Workforce Board Meeting

10:45 AM Networking / Transition to MassHire Awards

11:00 AM 4th Annual MassHire Awards Featuring Governor Charlie Baker

12:30 PM Lunch

1:30 PM Networking

3:00 PM End of Programming

Room Assignments